Roman Tilcer




Awarded 3rd place in Jiří Levý Translation Contest.

Robert E. Howard – The Tower of the Elephant



Nominated for ASFFH (The Association of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror) Special Award for a series of interviews with translators.


Winner of The Face of Translation contest held by CEATL (Conseil Européen des Associations de Traducteurs Littéraires – European Council of Associations of Literary Translators).


Certificate in Advanced English – Grade A, CEFR Level C2.


Literary Translation Course held by Czech Literary Translator's Guild.


Awarded 3rd place in Jiří Levý Translation Contest.

Jeff Noon – Automated Alice



Palacký University Olomouc – a magister degree in teaching Czech language and literature.



Joseph S. Pulver Sr. – A Long, Dark, Grim Road / Dlouhá, temná, chmurná cesta (an audiobook)

Livia Llewellyn – The One That Comes Before / Ta, co jde první (an audiobook)

Anya Martin – Grass / Tráva (an audiobook)

John Gwynne – The Hunger of Gods / Hlad bohů (an audiobook)

Peter Watts – The Things / Věci (a short story / an audio story)

M. Rickert – The Corpse Painter's Masterpiece / Veledílo malíře mrtvol (an audio story)

Gwendolyn Kiste – Late-Night Drive / Pozdně noční projížďka (a short story / an audio story)

Livia Llewellyn – The Last, Clean, Bright Summer / Poslední čisté, jasné léto (an audio story)

Anya Martin – The Prince of Lyghes / Sedmilhář (an audio story)

ed. Dan Coxon – Isolation: The Horror Anthology / Odvržení: Hororová antologie; two stories:

​● Gwendolyn Kiste – The Peculiar Seclusion of Molly McMarshall / Podivné odloučení Molly McMarshallové

​● A. G. Slatter – Solivagant / Osamělá poutnice

Livia Llewellyn – The Low, Dark Edge of Life / Nízký, temný okraj bytí (a short story published in Živel magazine)

Michael Moorcock – Elric of Melniboné Elrik z Melniboné (an omnibus edition)

Joseph S. Pulver Sr. – A Long, Dark, Grim Road / Dlouhá, temná, chmurná cesta (a novella)

Stephen King – Lovecraft’s Pillow / Lovecraftův polštář – a foreword to Michel Houellebecq’s H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life

Alistair Rennie – Ruptured World – Exoplanetarywith Háta Kreisinger Komňacká (a short story)

Kevin Hearne – Staked / Nabodnutý (a novel)



John Gwynne – The Shadow of the Gods / Stín bohů (an audiobook)

eds. Marie O’Regan and Paul Kane – Cursed / Prokletí; two stories:

​● Catriona Ward – A That Age V tom věku

​● Angela Slatter – New Wine Nové víno

M. Rickert – The Corpse Painter's Masterpiece / Veledílo malíře mrtvol (a short story)

Livia Llewellyn – The Last, Clean, Bright Summer / Poslední čisté, jasné léto (a short story)

John Gwynne – The Hunger of Gods / Hlad bohů (a novel)

Gwendolyn Kiste – The Girls from the Horror Movie / Holky z hororu (a short story)

Gwendolyn Kiste – The Rust Maidens / Rezavé panny (a novel)

Scott Lynch – The Lies of Locke Lamora / Lži Lockeho Lamory (a novel)



Gwendolyn Kiste – The Eight People Who Murdered Me (Excerpt from Lucy Westenra’s Diary) / Osm lidí, kteří mě zavraždili (výňatek z deníku Lucy Westenrové) (A2 2022/25–26)

eds. Ellen Datlow and Lisa Morton – Haunted Nights / Stíny Halloweenu; one story;

S. P. Miskowski – We're Never Inviting Amber Again / Amber už víckrát nepozveme

Anya Martin – The Prince of Lyghes / Sedmilhář (a short story)

Gwendolyn Kiste – Late-Night Drive / Pozdně noční projížďka (Tvar 2022/18)

John Gwynne – The Shadow of the Gods / Stín bohů (a novel)

Robert E. Howard – Conan the Cimmerian / Dobrodruh Conan (a short story collection)

N. K. Jemisin – The Shadowed Sun / Slunce ve stínu (a novel)

Livia Llewellyn – The Last, Clean, Bright Summer / Poslední čisté, jasné léto (Pevnost 2022/7)

Livia Llewellyn – The One That Comes Before / Ta, co jde první (a novella)

Kevin Hearne – Shattered / Zničený (a novel)

Gwendolyn Kiste – All the Ways to Hollow Out a Girl / Všemožné způsoby, jak umrtvit holku (a short story)

Robert E. Howard – The Tower of the Elephant / Sloní věž (Plav 2022/2)



Anya Martin – Grass / Tráva (a novella)

Anya Martin – The Prince of Lyghes / Sedmilhář (A2 2021/22)

N. K. Jemisin – The Killing Mooon / Smrtící luna (a novel)

Robert E. Howard – The Tower of the Elephant / Sloní věž (Pevnost 2021/6)

Alistair Rennie – BleakWarrior / Chmurný Válečník (a novel)

Joe Abercrombie – Half a War / Půl války (a novel)



N. K. Jemisin – The Stone Sky / Kamenné nebe (a novel)

eds. Silvie Mitlenerová and Jaroslav Olša, jr. – Kuřata v hadí kleci; four stories:

​● Eliza Victoria – Stories from the City / Příběhy z města

Macario D. Tiu – Tsuru / Curu

Miguel Syjuco – Leaves in the Rain: Redux / Listy v dešti

Soccoro A. Villanueva – We Won't Cry About This / Přece kvůli tomu nebudeme plakat


Kevin Hearne – Trapped / Nahraný (a novel)

N. K. Jemisin – The Obelisk Gate / Brána z obelisků (a novel)

Alistair Rennie – Love on the Heels of Certain Death / Chmurný Válečník (an excerpt from BleakWarrior, published in A2 cultural biweekly)

Joe Abercrombie – Half the World / Půl světa (a novel)


Becky Masterman – A Twist of the Knife / Sůl do rány (a novel)

N. K. Jemisin – The Fifth Season / Páté roční období (a novel)

Joe Abercrombie – Half a King / Půl krále (a novel)

ed. Gardener Dozois – The Book of Swords / Kniha mečů; one story:

Scott Lynch – The Smoke of Gold Is Glory / Kouř ze zlata je sláva


Becky Masterman – Fear the Darkness / Boj se tmy (a novel)

ed. Ian Whates – Legends: Stories in Honour of David Gemmell / Legendy: Povídky na počest Davida Gemmella
(an anthology)

Jess Kidd – Himself / Živel (a novel)


Alex Shvartsman – High-Tech Fairies and the Pandora Perplexity / Hi-tech víly a patálie s Pandorou (a short story, published in XB-1 magazine)

Robert Littell – The Amateur / Amatér (a novel)

Alistair Rennie – Sword and Sorcery / Meč a magie (an article, published in XB-1 magazine)

Alan Campbell – Iron Angel / Železný anděl (a novel)


Alex Shvartsman – Explaining Cthulhu to Grandma / Jak babičce vysvětlit boha Cthulhu (a short story, published in XB-1 magazine)

Joe Haldeman – Tricentennial / Třísté výročí (a short story, published in XB-1 magazine)

Kevin Hearne – The Shield of Gaia / Gaiin štít (a short story collection)

Ted Kosmatka – Deadnaughts / Do hlubin smrti (a short story, published in XB-1 magazine)

David Gemmell – Echoes of the Great Song / Ozvěny velké písně (a novel)

Becky Masterman – Rage Against the Dying / Běsni a zuř (a novel)

Blake Charlton – Spellwright / Čarotepec (a novel)


Derek Künsken – The Way of the Needle / Cesta Jehly (a short story, published in XB-1 magazine)

David Gemmell – White Wolf / Bílý vlk (a novel)

C. C. Finlay – The Political Officer / Politický důstojník (a short story, published in XB-1 magazine)

Kevin Hearne – Tricked / Napálený (a novel)


Kevin Hearne – Hammered / Praštěný (a novel)

Kevin Hearne – Kaibab Unbound / Odpoutaný Kaibab (a short story, published in Pevnost magazine)

David Gemmell – Fall Of Kings / Pád králů (a novel)

Scott Lynch – He Built the Wall to Knock It Down / Postavil zeď, aby ji zbořil (a short story, published in XB-1 magazine)


Kevin Hearne – Hounded / Prohnaný (a novel)

Brad R. Torgersen – Outbound / Průzkumníci (a short story, published in XB-1 magazine)

John C. Wright – Mists of Everness / Mlhy Věčnosti (a novel)

David Gemmell – The Shield of Thunder / Štít hromu (a novel)

Catherynne M. Valente – Silently And Very Fast / Potichu a velmi rychle (a novella, published in XB-1 magazine)

Kevin Hearne – Hexed / Proklatý (a novel)

Kevin Hearne – Clan Rathskeller / Klan Rathskellerovců (a short story, published in Pevnost magazine)

ed. Jonathan Strahan – The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume Six / Nejlepší science fiction a fantasy 2011; five stories:

E. Lily Yu – The Cartographer Wasps and the Anarchist Bees / Vosy kartografky a včely anarchistky

Kij Johnson – The Man Who Bridged the Mist / Muž, který přemostil mlhu

M. Rickert – The Corpse Painter's Masterpiece / Veledílo malíře mrtvol

Peter Watts – Malak / Malak

Robert Reed – Woman Leaves Room / Žena odchází z pokoje


eds. Jonathan Strahan and Lou Anders – Swords & Dark Magic: The New Sword and Sorcery / Meče a temná magie; three stories:

Steven Erikson – Goats of Glory / Kozy a Sláva

Michael Moorcock – Red Pearls: An Elric Story / Rudé perly: Elrikův příběh

Scott Lynch – In the Stacks / Mezi policemi

Scott Lynch – Red Seas Under Red Skies / Rudá moře pod rudými nebesy (a novel)

David Vann – Sukkwan Island / Ostrov Sukkwan (a novella)

Tim Powers – The Stress of Her Regard / Silou svého zraku (a novel)

ed. Jonathan Strahan – The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume Five / Nejlepší science fiction a fantasy 2010; four stories:

James Patrick Kelly – Plus or Minus / Plus mínus

John Kessel – Iteration / Iterace

Ian Tregillis – Still Life: A Sexagesimal Fairy Tale / Zátiší: šedesátková pohádka

Peter Watts – The Things / Věci


John C. Wright – The Last Guardian of Everness / Poslední Strážce Věčnosti (a novel)

eds. Gardner Dozois and Jonathan Strahan – New Space Opera 2; three stories:

John Kessel – Events Preceding the Helvetican Renaissance / Události předcházející Helvetskému obrození

Justina Robson – Cracklegrackle / Třeštivřesk

John Scalzi – The Tale of The Wicked / Příběh Šibalky


Henry Kuttner – Elak of Atlantis / Elak z Atlantidy (a short story collection)

Scott Lynch – The Lies of Locke Lamora / Lži Lockeho Lamory (a novel)

Alistair Rennie – BleakWarrior Meets the Sons of Brawl / ChmurnýVálečník potkává syny Urvalovy (a short story, published in Pevnost magazine)


eds. Gardner Dozois and Jonathan Strahan – New Space Opera; one story:

James Patrick Kelly – Dividing the Sustain / Štěpení opěr

eds. Ann and Jeff VanderMeer – The New Weird / New Weird: Trochu divná fantastika; one text:

New Weird Discussions: The Creation of a Term / Diskuze o New Weirdu: vznik pojmu

roman tilcer full

Photo: Lenka Šafářová